We can see then doing housewoeks, in industries, even if in Disneyland, which we call animatronix.
Toy robot
Mechanical and interactive, toys which perform various tasks and tricks on command.The first commercial hit was modelled on the most popular pet: the dog; Teksta. The latest nowadays is Gupi a robothamster.

Primitive robot toy models only execute standardized pre-programmed routines.
The nowadays advanced technology allows for interaction with the user or other environmental stimules (e.g. sensor-detected obstacles).
This robots, such as robosapiens, are controled by a remote control, and they could perform many tricks (walk, jump, dance, etc.).
We can play here a game, which allows you to see how fast is robot's (in this case fish robot) evolution.
There is also a robofish, it's incredible that a mechanical object could work underwater:
Commercial show robots
- Marketing tool - to promote products and technology.
- Cinema - inanimate performer or even artificial actor in show, TV and movie production. They also can help with other special effects, to make them seem what cannot (yet), even be significantly more than a cast extra, such as the Starwars 'droids' R2-D2 and C-3P0.
Domestic robot
A domestic robot is a robot used for housework. There are 3 types:
Low: for home and entertainment.
Medium: for household chores.
High: autonomus.

3 comentarios:
I think you should improve your knowledge about robotics.
We have play to the game of Robotic fish and we think that it is great.=D
p.d= it is dangerously addictive
what a mystery... ¬¬
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